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#81 Build Your Social Circle For Health
The often quoted "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." doesn't go nearly deep or wide enough when it comes to building a healthy social circle.
In this episode I share four major...
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#80 Hydrate For Travel
Travel, especially air travel can be a challenge to staying hydrated.
Listen to these three tips to get hydrated and stay hydrated while you fly. Plus a bonus take on hand sanitizer.
Need a little more help sorting...
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#79 What Is It About Plastics?
What is it about plastics?
They are part of a growing list of “things that are bad for our health”, but what does that mean from a practical standpoint?
In this episode I explain three ways that plastics can interfere...
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#78 Mental Wellness Through Micropractices
Not everyone has the time or energy to embark on elaborate wellness practices. Fortunately, there are great gains to be made from adopting micro-practices. These tiny habits can build into significant mental health...
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#77 What The Heck Is REAL Food?
I'm sure you've heard the recommendation to "just eat real food", you may even have heard it from me!
It took one of my brave clients to as "what the heck is real food anyway?" for me to realize that the term is not...
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#76 Experiment A Little
Experiment your way to success! Give yourself permission to "try out" and "try on" before you commit so that you only commit to what works for you.
If you're feeling a little rusty at experimenting, I'm here for...
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#75 What Am I Supposed to Write? A Daily Journaling Process
If you've tried journaling and just can't seem to find the rhythm, I've got you covered. In this episode I discuss a powerful way to journal and walk you through the process. It's the same process I use every day.
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#74 Not Enough Money--Really?
It's the second most used excuse: "I don't have enough money to..." but is it really true. In this episode we dig into why it may feel like it's true when it's not.
I'm not going to tell you how to spend your money or...
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#73 Not Enough Time--Here's the Secret
"I don't have enough time" is the #1 excuse we've all used for not making the changes in our lives and our health that we really want to make. In this episode I share my secret to actually prioritizing and ditching...
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#72 3 Types of Support You Need (and 1 you don't)
Hoping that you're off to a great start with new healthy habits, check out this episode for ways to get the support you need and avoid the "support" you don't want.
Jumpstart owning your health with three (3)...
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#68 Catch 22 Health Exercise
In this Catch 22 series we dive into several "health practices" that you actually have to be fairly healthy to even attempt.
This episode talks about the benefits of the right exercise for your body right now.
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#71 How "One Simple" Change Can Sink the Ship
Are You Suffering From "Change Fatigue" ?
You may be thinking you're going to make one simple change, but in reality, that change can involve a complex set of adjustments that run across all aspects of your life.
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